Brother no offence with your opinion, and agreed to it up to certain extent. But CEC applicants are also waiting since long time like FSWs. They are giving priority to expiring WP regardless of FSW (if inland) or CEC, and it is already mentioned on their site. Many CEC applicants after expiry of WP, living on visitor visa (that means they can't work, their kids can't go to school and they don't get medical facilities which is awfully expensive in Canada).DigitalDestiny said:Canadian immigration was about fairness, equality and transparency. They made everyone go through IELTS, even applicants whose mother-tongue was English, so that everyone is at same footing.
Now, this prioritizing based on NOC or CEC or whatever is against this spirit of equality. If OINP wants to do prioritizing, they have all right to do it BUT first they need to OPENLY declare it.
They cannot sit on moral high grounds of equality, fairness and transparency and from the back door give priority based on their economic and political considerations.
It's UNFAIR to FSW outlands who are waiting since past one year thinking that they will get nomination in 90 days or processing will happen on First-Come-First-Serve basis as OINP trumpeted on it's site and in OINP manual.
Our frustration is justified, but in my humble opinion, we shouldn't get divided in CEC and FSW. It is sluggishness of OINP which is causing delay. Believe me, when we will get nominations, we all will thank OINP from core of our heart, forgetting what they have done to us
Agree that OINP has clearly written FCFS policy, and they should stick to it with some genuine exceptions. Even for FSWs, there are many OCT 2015 candidates who haven't received nominations, while NOV 2015 FSW candidates have. This whole CEC and FSW controversy is unsavoury and unwanted.