averma said:
Am I being too optimistic waiting for AOR knowing that my application reached on 21st March. May be I am. But coming week I am expecting it looking at the current pace.
ha haa ha no your are being optimistic in a right way. You will receive it this week for sure.
Mallikaasharmaa said:
Don't worry.
Me too for 7th March.
Even I am losing my head a little.
Refreshing this forum and my inbox simultaneously....
gsan16 said:

Its me only left for 8th Mar. Refreshed my inbox several times in hope to see that precious mail. ;D
aoamber said:
I am 4th of March applicant and my email is also empty..so no worries guys

it is just a matter of time
@mallika, @gsan, @aoamber guys relax don't worry you will get the AOR by tomorrow I know for sure.
For me i have not yet received Reviewed and accepted email also, but still keeping hopes for tomorrow..hahahaha
Yes today being Sunday, it is the same state of mind... refreshing this page multiple times to view, what is going on. Inbox I am not checking as my agent will get the AOR email.
I got the reply for Pending as i had sent email from my end but AOR would go to the email address given on the application.