I totally understand everyone's frustration. The waiting and not knowing is the hardest part. I did speak with a Director for CIC who deals with the website. He said that all of our frustrations are known and they are working on changing things but it is a slow process. Part of the problem is that we are all calling the call centre looking for information about our status, so those agents are not able to work on cases. Aside from EI, CIC is the most called department in the government! I told him that this made perfect sense to me as our lives are on hold and we have no control, nor any idea about when things will end, hence the many phone calls. I believe they are working on a system of more regular status updates, but I have also heard that in other departments where they tried this, it was a complete failure.
In short, as much as it is painful and completely makes no sense, all we can do is wait. Remember why you are doing this. In the span of a marriage of 50 or 60 years, 10 months to a year is nothing. Easy to say, harder to believe.
Best of luck to everyone. Hopefully you will see some progress soon.