hey 1000 post....
grzybek said:
And congratulations to William Coates 1) for finishing the process and 2) being post number 1000 to this thread!!
ha ha......and thanks sweden
Sweden said:
Congrats!!! that's impressively fast! your VO really picked up the pace, that's nice to know! good luck with moving and landing!
I'm heading back to Canada end of april and the wife and kids will follow end of august. It is certianly good to know that the application process is done,,,well its at the VO,,,just have to pick it up which we will do when the kids passports are ready,,,,probably this week,,,,,kill two birds with one stone...And for you guys that are checking ecas and wondering whats going on.........Don't...........!!! Not reliable at all when it comes to checking your progress.... Point in fact.....My wifes ecas has been in progress for some time,,,still is........But wait,,,,,,,visa printed and ready for pickup,,,,,,,,should probably at least read decsion made.......no?I know some apps hear are dragging along through the stage 1 deal...but just because you havn't heard anything dosn't mean they aren't working on it....THEY DON'T ALWAYS ADVISE WITH "AOR" Hell I would go as far to say that in some cases nothing is known till stage 2 is almost complete......Emails get lost all the time or aren't sent at all.....The VO officers in Buenos Aires aren't even communicating with each other on a daily basis. I received some mails that showed they were out of sync at times......Patience is a big factor and i know how hard it is,,,,just read some of my earlier posts....

Buenos Aires has 15 months to complete applications,,,,mine was done in 4 / 5 weeks,,,,,,so what they post and what happens actually can be very different. CIC has standing orders to complete spousal applications in 6 months or less......November / December are tough months,,,,christmas,,,holidays,,,,etc....I'm sure our spread sheet will be all blue in no time and then green.......