my job description includes but not limited to the following:
¨ Developing & Implementing Operational Risk Management (ORM) Framework clearly defining the Bank's operational risk strategy for identification, assessment, mitigation and monitoring of Operational Risk.
¨ Developing Operational Risk Strategy of the Bank including objectives, strategies, appetite and tolerance limits
¨ Reviewing the new product proposals/policies and procedures, submitted by the business/support units of the bank for vetting from Risk Management Group, and making sure that the policies and procedures are in line with the operational risk management standards.
¨ Maintaining and updating Operational Loss Databases.
¨ Conducting bank-wide RCSA Workshops for business and support Units for identifying their inherent risks, their related controls residual risk assessment etc.
¨ Identifying Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) and developing its thresholds, maintaining its Inventory, rolling it out to business/support units for reporting.
¨ Conducting Business Lines Mapping exercise as per Basel Defined categories and devising policies with respective groups for operational risk mitigation/ transfer such as document for Business Continuity Planning, Insurance, Outsourcing etc.
¨ Establishing the process for collecting ongoing operational loss data, directly from the branches, through Web-based Portal
¨ Developing Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) w.r.t Operational Risk Management and presenting the same to Senior Management.
¨ Calculating Bank's Operational Risk Capital Charge under BIA & TSA/ASA.
¨ Conducting Operational Risk Management awareness sessions/ workshops across the bank.
¨ Conducting Operational Risk Stress tests.
¨ Liaising with Compliance function on KYC/AML/CFT issues, FATCA Implementation etc.
¨ Generating reports which highlight the bank's operational risk profile like Reports on Fraud & Forgery Analysis, SBP Penalty, Compliance Reports, Audit Reports Review, Loss Database Collection, etc and presenting them to Senior Management/ Board Risk Committees.