Dr. Calgary said:
Hi all,
Pls can somebody enlighten me on what they require for proof of relative in Canada. A friend actually has this opportunity, he has submitted his documents and equally has a relative thou this far relative from the Mother's side, all parents are no more but the person actually wrote and equally sent a photo copy of his Citizenship Card which my friend sent along with his documents, what else will they require for this proof if things like birth Certificates are not there? lets someone in the house look at this.
Dr. Calgary.
@ Dr. Calgary
Relatives in Canada
"You, or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner, have a relative (parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, child of a parent, sibling, child of a grandparent, aunt or uncle, or grandchild of a parent, niece or nephew) who is residing in Canada and is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident."
If the person is a permanent residence of Canada, you must provide Record of landing (IMM1000) or Confirmation of permanent residence or Permanent residence card. If the person is a Canadian citizen, you must provide photopage of a Canadian passport or Canadian citizenship card.
Hope this helps