Do not take this as being the correct way of doing things as I have only just sent my pack off but I am confident we have it correct after reading a lot on here;
Print out the Document checklist and the instruction guide
IMM1344 - Sponsor fills it out
IMM 5481 - Sponsor fills it out
IMM0008 - Can't remember who fills that out as the form doesn't come up, but someone does
IMM0008DEP - Only if you have kids
IMM5406 - Applicant fills out
IMM5669 - Applicant fills out
IMM5285 - Applicant fills out
IMM5476 - Only if you use a lawyer
Disregard what I said about the two checklists, the in Canada application is different to my (living outside of Canada) version.
Collecting stuff is the worst part. Any gaps or things you feel should be explained, you can always attach a sheet doing so referencing what form/part is related to. For example, we included A4 sheet on plans to re-establish (you won't have this), our relationship, why there was a missing payslip, no form C (Sponsor hasn't lived in Canada for many years).
The outland guide contradicted the forms in some places. If I recall, address history would ask for last 10 years on one thing, and from 18 years old on the other. We defaulted to since 18 years old (unfortunately I am over 28).
Get yourself a free trial of adobe writer I think it is as some forms seem to lock up after saving. That will push you to complete quickly

Have a nice organised file system and you will be fine. Each piece of evidence was documented with a code and the code cross referenced to an inventory list with a long description of date, item, etc. I really do not think this is necessary and more a quirk of my obsession with excel and working in a document heavy industry.