Again Sweden, thank you. I'm just afraid I wont have all the paperwork in order for an outland application in time. It takes approx 4 weeks for me to get my Australian Police cert and 2 weeks for my british one, plus we have to compile all the evidence (which we havent done yet) ... do i really have enough time? Also, not being able to work, combined with the cost of the visa is also an obstacle. I'd need to have all of these things before I sent my application off and time is kind of short right now. Which is why the inland route may be easier (longer yes, but easier) as it gives me time while they are assessing my partner's eligibility to get all the other documents (medical and police certs etc).
Which is why I think my only reasonable option is to change my status to visitor before March 14th and stay until the wedding. Can you apply to change your status to visitor without having an application in process? Or will they simply reject it because there is no reason for me to stay in the country? I've read that you can only change your status to visitor if you have an application in process somewhere? That was my question. Sorry about the confusion.
I was thinking something like this:
Apply for a visitor visa.
Stay here on the visitor visa until the wedding.
After the wedding, apply for a spousal sponsorship.
Apply for an outland commonlaw sponsorship ASAP
change status to visitor before March 14th.
Send in police certificates as I recieve them.
Remain in Canada until then as a visitor.
Get married.
Get PR.
Apply for an inland common-law and apply for an OWP (Implied status given where I can remain as a visitor NOT a worker)
After 6 months, get married and recieve my OWP
Send in additional documents they request such as a medical and police certs that I will have by then when they start checking me.
Legally work and wait.
Which option is strictly speaking my best? And are they all options?? Can all of them technically be done?
Thanks! (You guys are really helping. Even just talking it out and getting answers is makingme feel better so thank you)
(and also AnaMaria and Swden (AGAIN!

) thank you!)