canada11 said:
Are you sure you are talking about CNO ?
I got my report back in Jun 2016 without IELTS & CNO is under progress & still IELTS is not blocker
now i'm getting confused.. I am applying from Alberta. but I think in the first step it doesn't matter what province you're applying, because you have to apply in NNAS first right? then after that to the province where you intend to apply.
the NNAS will not proceed until you complete their requirements, wherein IELTS/CELBAN is one of them.
In my case, all my documents was completed except for the English Language Exam. since it's hard to get a schedule test date (because it's always fully booked) for CELBAN I waited almost 4months just to take the exam. So NNAS did not proceed my papers to "READY FOR REVIEW" until they get my CELBAN result (Listening 10 Reading 8 Speaking 8 and Writing 7, you should get that passing rate atleast)
when they got my CELBAN result that's the time they started to process my documents.