Processing times? Gimme a break. Everything is supposed to have an expected service time. When we put our apps in it was 8 months. So no, we are NOT within our service times. The fact they keep extending them doesn't give them a right to put it off. And there is still the matter that the target time was SUPPOSED to be 6 months regardless of VO, and the current government is driving times away from the target time, not closer to it.
I haven't heard him asking for "special treatment". They keep telling everyone they process apps based on when they get them. They DON'T. And that is what he is complaining about (me too as my app is having the same problem). Everyone else is jumping ahead in line. They seem to have a problem keeping those large piles of applications in proper sequence.
Most cases that have been waiting years have been waiting like that due to actual ISSUES, NOT because parts of the app are lost or because it is simply unopened. Sure, those contribute to the time as well, but many will have red flags to address. I have seen my GCMS notes. No red flags. Just an expired med which they sat on for over 2 months (can't get the remed without the IMM1017 which they have to send).
As for what your MP and MPP said, that was very self-serving. They probably don't want you emailing them all the time. The MP I talked to said no such thing and further she said that inquiries is a simple matter and she couldn't understand why mine was "rationing" inquiries. If your MP buries your file you know what you do? Work hard next election to make sure he or she loses their seat! MPs who don't want to serve the needs of their constituents should not be in that job. Period! It is nice to know that you trust the word of your MP though, considering he is, as you say, a "complete moron".