as long as its completely paid for it would be easy
we would have bough a used car anyways and paid in full. but if you have a car that you are still making payments on i am pretty sure they wont even let you bring i across the border. this is from what ive heard of other people in the forum.
oh yes Veracruz is soo nice! you have to visit there!. its currently my favorite place in mexico.
although ive only been to, puerto vallarta, GDL, mexico city, and puebla. but still! haha its my favorite
well mexico city has alot of them around it. but the ones we went to. which i beleive is one of the 5 biggest in the world.
was in teotihuacan.
i think if you google that you should be able to find it.
oh thats nice!!,sometimes relaxing is better, we walked so much and did so much on the weekend my whole body was sore and i slept almost all day monday

i would have liked to have friends around for my birthday. but most of our friends are in canada. or spread out all across mexico. so we dont get to see friends very often here.
where does your husband live again? or where were you visiting him?