Well my PGR document isn't ready yet :/ I'll have to call tomorrow and hand it in on Wednesday. Ugh.
Also I went to get my constancia de no antecedentes penales from the SSP. It was pretty easy, they only require a copy of your IFE and copy of your birth certificate, no proof of address needed. There was a huge line outside the building, but we went in within a few minutes, once inside they take your documents and you sit in a room with like 40 other people

I honestly thought I was gonna spend the whole afternoon there, but they hand them in at the speed of light! it's literally a name every 3 seconds, they got two people doing the equivalent of a Google Search lol and another guy signing them. So I was done within 5 minutes!
I also asked what you guys told me to, and the lady said that you can only get this document there :/ It doesn't matter if you live in another state/country. That sucks!