edgarsitow said:
Oh boy, I'm supposed to go to the PGR to pick up my document tomorrow. They had already requested the State police certificated so I have it with me already. Do you guys recommend that I go to the SSP as well and get that document? I really don't want them to send me another letter in two months asking for this document. So should I hand in all 3 of them and explain in a letter what's up?
Oh boy's right.
If you're in Mexico City to pick up the PGR certificate anyway, it's probably worth going to the SSP to get their certificado de antecedentes in addition to the others. As you say, you want to avoid the request in a couple months both for timing reasons and expense of going back to Mexico City to get it. The decision is also relatively easy since the SSP says you get the certificate on the same day you request it.
However, given that you can only get the documents from the SSP in the afternoon (Monday - Friday 2pm to 7pm) and can only drop off documents in the morning at the Embassy in Mexico City, you may need to stay overnight (or end up couriering the documents).
Take a look at http://www.pgjdf.gob.mx/temas/1-4-1/index.php?tema=Antecedentes+Penales&idw3_contenidos=9 if you haven't already - looks like it's free (thank goodness you don't have to run to make payment across the city!) and "deberá presentar son: copia de su acta de nacimiento, comprobante de domicilio vigente y credencial de elector." I would also print a copy of the CIC Bulletins main page and the one specifically for this (at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/index.asp and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob422.asp)
Keep copies of all of it and submit a copy of the Bulletin with your documents to avoid any confusion when folks open up the document at the Embassy. You really want to avoid the document being discarded because they didn't think it was necessary!
Let us know how it goes. Thanks for being our pioneer, edgarsitow
ETA: Oh, and I think I speak for everyone in this thread when I say chat them up and report back! Find out if there's any way of requesting it not in person (you'll be many people's angel if you figure that one out). I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they find out CIC is now going to be requesting this