Thanks OhCanadiana. Meds expired Oct 2011. We've been debating going ahead with the re-do for months. When hubby inquired with the DMP awhile back (he is in Mexico and that's where initial exam was done), he was advised that he first had to bring in the instructions and forms from the embassy. Then when we emailed the embassy, the response was that they "strongly advised against" doing this without first receiving the required forms and request from them. From what I've been reading since then, this is likely a standard response so that the applicant's additional med fees are not a loss in case of denial. My husband's concern is that if we are proactive and re-do them now, wires will somehow cross with CIC - they request it again, we pay twice, and end up with more wait time anyway. In our case, this concern is not all that far-fetched!
Anyway, after discussing this at length over last couple of days, my husband is going to call the doctor's office again next week to see if he can just get it done with the doctor writing the case information on the standard form and then he can deliver a copy of the exam receipt to the embassy personally. Worth a shot in my view. Would also love to hear from anybody out there who has recently dealt with re-meds in Mexico before requested? Would love some insight here.