Well, if we're to believe what CIC puts on its own website, it is true that the 9 months refers to how long it took to process 80 percent of all cases between July 1, 2010, and June 30, 2011 at Rabat, once the application was received at Rabat from Mississauga. That data is based on the last 12 months of applications and it's updated every 3 months. Of course that doesn't mean that the couple of cases you're looking at on this forum are representative of all the cases Rabat deals with. Again, I would really suggest keeping a spreadsheet to track what happens when to whom in order to quickly reference timeframes.
Meanwhile, I just have to say how I love how informed :

the Call Centre agents are. Here's what I posted about my experience talking to one of them: http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/thread-for-outland-buffalo-applicants-t41886.0.html;msg1010300#msg1010300
dair2dv8103100 said:
So from the looks of things the 9 months they post for Rabat is not truly accurate (possibly)... because people whose applications where received in March are just having interviews now (6 months later) and are being told at the interview that they have to start security checks now and that will take 4 - 7 months.... hmmm I am not great in math but that is at least 10 months if my adding is correct and up to 13 months. The only figures that add up are the "if you are denied you will hear from us within 2 months"... so looks like I might be in for a longer wait than we originally anticipated. :'( :'( :'(