I have some interesting information. Maybe you already know or maybe not. There is a free service that can notify you of Ecas updates without logging in everyday and checking yourself. You can get E-cas update/change notifications in multiple email addresses using this website https://ecas.carroll.org.uk/, developed by Matthew Carroll.
All you have to do is enter your details that you use for e-cas status checking (name, file number, date of birth etc..). You have to do this only once at the time of registration. Then the tracker checks your ecas everyday and if there is any change, it notifies you through email.
If you're interested, you can read more about it and sign up at:
*Matthew says in the website that the 'tracker' acts as an agent for you and checks ecas on your behalf and notifies you. After you get your visa, all your details are deleted. So far, around 3083 users have used it since December 2007.