Hey Oulette...... I believe you are very close. The background check, as you know consists of the three phases. Sometimes, depending on your original country, and any other country that you have possibly stayed/lived in for more that 6 months will be contacted. Depending on how fast those countries take to answer and get the information back, is the key to how fast or slow the process goes. So for example I'll share my info here.... I am a USA Citizen, never traveled to another country other than here in Canada. So say for instance they send info to the USA, the department that handles such requests will receive it, and just like IRCC, there are several employees working on these, so it probably gets sent to one of the employees, and depending on how backlogged they are, of it that employee gets sick and is out or on vacation.... it may take longer for them to process the information and get it sent back to IRCC. Now say I had been to another country, not only are they dealing with my original country, they would have to wait for the other country also.hey everyone,
I applied march 6th, aor march 21st. I have had ghost updates since October 28th every day and today my tracker updated saying background check is in progress under Application History, even though it was already in progress. and gckey updated background check to in progress in may. seeing all the final decisions made me think I could be close too but now I’m worried that they forgot about me and just started the security check. I know from gcms notes in june they finished criminality and info sharing was in progress. did anyone have a similar thing happen to them recently maybe?
I know the waiting is horrible, but I think you are right around the corner from everything being wrapped up. Keep your chin up, you're almost there.