Hoping123 said:
Thanks for your reply; I appreciate it. However, I just checked the "Schedule A" form new version 2017-01 again, and that's what it says:
"I agree that by typing my name, I am electronically signing my application."
Yes, that's true. However, if you had gotten a request for Schedule A, this would have been part of the information in the email: "If you are not submitting this form through your online account (for example, if you are submitting it through the IRCC Webform or by mail), the form you submit must also have your handwritten signature in the signature section next to your typed or printed name. If you are submitting it by mail: print your validated form, and then sign (in handwriting with your usual signature) next to your typed or handwritten name in the signature section. If you are submitting this form as an attachment through the IRCC Webform: do the same as if you were submitting by mail, and then scan the copy with your signature. Submit the scanned copy with your signature as an attachment when using the webform."
I know, it's obnoxious.

But some people have been asked to resubmit the form because it didn't have their handwritten signature, which means an extra delay.