jeff198901 said:
Are you allowed to submit it before being asked for it?
Under your PA,s ECAS, do you see we sent you a correspondence? If you do, it means they requested it but just like a lot of us, we never got it. Also like a lot of us, the request never came after 5 days. Yet again like a lot of us, we just used the web form and it was received.
I suggest you use the web form now cox it takes about 10days but mine took 8days and I've seen someone here who took just 6 days , just ensure the PA prints and sign on after validation then scan . Waiting 5 days will do you no good esp if you don't get the request in your CIC and then you have to start calling them and if u get a lazy agent, she would tell u to use the web form.
If you have been following this thread closely , you would see it's the most talked about topic here.
Side note:
I hope others in the same shoe would actually read back on the thread instead of asking the same question that had been addressed over and over again