So I'm a bit cheezed off, if you'll bear with the rant.. I know these are first world problems we are having now, Moose is here, and we are celebrating our anniversary of 6 years in person tonight

he's payin... haha. He just got an electric scooter which is awesome to buzz around on and we are all good.
The PR card is meant to arrive soon in the mail.. so today Jeep Guy's crunchy cousin delivered the mail and it was a letter for Moose! Yay! But it wasn't a PR card. It was a health card. Except it wasn't a health card - no, they aren't handing out BC care cards anymore. It was a friendly letter to go down to ICBC and get his mugshot taken for his new BC ID card which would function as his care card which would be valid September 1. After some googling we figured out it was no extra cost (whew) so we ran down to ICBC before his work and waited in line with all our documents to get this done with, because who knows how long it will take to mail it to him. However, once we got to the wicket we were told that we could not get a BC ID card without a PR card! This was not mentioned in any paperwork nor on their website. I told the girl that PR cards are taking at least 70 days to arrive and we don't have an avenue of complaint until they are 2 weeks overdue. But no dice, she would not let us apply for a BC ID, aka Care Card without it. Imagine that a person lands on the 25th of August. Their health care will activate in 2 months plus the remainder of the month you land, so November 1st. But according to the ever-increasing time on CIC's website, you won't get your PR card until at least November 2nd if you're lucky. I just have to say it's totally stoopid that we have to wait for the PR card in order to get our care card. If anybody knows an avenue of complaint for this I would love to know. I phoned BC health care and got put on hold for 20 minutes until their call center closed and I was able to leave a long winded message.