blueboom said:
Haahaha, this is so funny considering your hubby called you about TLC the other day.
Precisely!!! You're quite intuitive Bluemoon!!
I love when he asks me "Babes, are these crime shows real or made up? I love them, wow, its so interesting how blah blah blah......silence...."
He gets easily intrigued/fascinated by very simple things.
Like today, he asked if it's a good thing that Obama got to do two terms. If that's considered to be a success. I said "well why yes, sure it is". Then he went on to say "Have all the presidents done two terms?".....
THEN he went on to tell me "Babes, did you know that back long time ago history, in the original history days, Jamaica produced their own money?"...
Coming from a small island, what he views on TV can be truly fascinating to what would be "pretty boring" for us. But I love how he's so curious.