wsongco said:
Congratulations JudyJudyliu said:Hi guys,
I just called CIC Call Centre 1 2 7,it said my work permit has been approved on 3 Dec 2011.![]()
But 1 2 1 the information same as my ecase.![]()
EbonyIvory said:Good for you berry!!!
I wish i could get that long well, i didnt bother to extend my passport.
Avon123 said:I just checked my application and finally! Thank God!
We received your application for permanent residence on May 26, 2010.
We started processing your application on August 5, 2010.
Medical results have been received.
A decision has been made and you will be contacted.
Strikenannies said:Thanks Berry I will look for it. Congratulations for your visa. I hope you get your pr soon then you can bring your little one.
Shelleonn said:Guys my ecas hasnt change yet but i call cic hotline the voice recorder said my workpermit has been approve and the document was sent on december 2,2011 i was so relieve
congrats judy! :-*Judyliu said:Hi guys,
I just called CIC Call Centre 1 2 7,it said my work permit has been approved on 3 Dec 2011.![]()
But 1 2 1 the information same as my ecase.![]()
in God's will if its true. i submitted my application with a cover letter stating my client id. number and reasons i cant provides some document..things like that, and i really follow the document checklist according to its listings,(sunod sunod ko lahat pati picture) i put everything in order. so i guess my documents are one way. but they ask me a Client history update form last august 2011.job_seeker said:WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!! That was fast!!!!! A little over a year!!!! How did you do it![]()
Thanks Berry!!!Berry11 said:thanks ebonyivory: I pray your owp will come soon and so that you and your kids will have a merry merry christmas!
Congratulations Shelleonn!!!Shelleonn said:Guys i just check my ecas its finally decision made medical results have been recieve sent letter on dec 2 finally after 4 days of frustation i finally see the light