Applied: May 5th, 2015
Blank Updates: Aug 15, October 30
Request for $100: August 20th
Approval: November 18th, 2015 (
198 days)
Mail Delivery: Not Yet
Problem: My passport expires on January 18, 2016. So my permit will be valid just a month or so

I don't know what to do. My wife has been waiting back home for almost 7 months to come. And now I have to go through the same process
No one ever told me PGWP is only valid until your passport expires. I knew that's true for a TRV, but not for PGWP.
For the last 2 days I've been trying to find where do CIC say that... Couldn't find it. There were no warnings when I was applying. I guess they really want another $255 from me and I need to wait for 6 more months probably.. CIC has made it clear Canada doesn't want me. I can't be separated from my wife any more. We've been married for 7 months. 6 and a half away from each other. It's become nerve wracking.
And I can't even send her an invitation letter to come as tourist. And I can't even leave the country, or else I won't be allowed back.
I wrote to the prime minister, to the minister of immigration, to my MP..
Nobody even bothered to reply to me. I have a consultation with a $300/hr immigration lawyer tomorrow.. I've lost hope...