Please answer the following please :
I got PR visa which will get expired in Jan 2014. Before visa expiry, I want to visit Canada once to continue my PR. My wife is pregnant and the expected baby delivery date is
mid-May, 2014.
I really hope you were trying to say your visa will expire in Jan 2015
I will be travelling to Canada in April and apply for PR card and will be back in one week.
If you have visa till Jan 2015, wait till your wife is able to travel and go together, or go immediately and give birth in Canada.
As my wife can't travel now, she will be visiting Canada alone after the birth of baby, in September and apply for her PR card.
Do you have an address in Canada for PR card delivery?
After that, when we will move to Canada with PR cards in next year.
After that, we will get sponsor visa for our kid.
1. Is this whole process feasible?
Well if you don't want your child to live with your for at least the first year, it can be considered feasible
2. Is it better for me to land in Canada before baby birth?
It makes no difference whatsoever if you both plan to land without your child
3. Is there any other option for us to continue our PR?
Contact CIC and tell them you want to complete the landing with the child.. you will have to return your COPR and get new ones after your child becomes part of your application
4. How much time it takes to bring our kid to Canada through Sponsor Visa?
It will take time. Don't rely on estimates that people give you. It can be just a few months or upwards of a year.
Really appreciate the responses from Experts !!
Thanks !!