Good Evening Forum Family!! Just checking in to see wha gwan....
Wow.... why when I come on here in the hopes of hearing some nice pretty update I read some foolishness..... ???
Chukie, welcome back...but for real? lost documents? the thing that sticks out for me is that for them to claim they are "LOST" they must of had them at one point. It can take a long time to get a new marriage certificate and birth papers again. Lord Jesus they must take people for fool. If they are claiming that things are lost, did they not provide a solution? Did they not say that they will be taking such and such action, or that they require you to take such and such action? When will they be informing you of what should happen next? They should be contacting you and letting you know what is going on. I would be on them like fly on sh!t. Email, Fax, Phone Call, MP everything!!
In my opinion they should really deal with the photocopies in the mean time and continue the process of the application instead of puttin it no the backburner till them sort their own problems out. How frustrating is that....
Look how many people have been held back because of their errors... its coming waaaay to common. This is frustrating to say the least! It is starting to look a little suspicious - where they hire these people man. Me well know that Jamaica holds some seriously hard workin people... youd think the canadian embassy of all places would have some real high standards and want to hire those hard workin honest people - not some slackers.
Thx for all the well wishes regarding baby too

counting down the days now... 3 days till I move, 27 days till I go on Mat leave, 52 days till Tiana born and 135 days till I land in JA again. Yup, me and hubby are coming back FINALLY to pay a long visit... we are going to also baptise the little princess when we are there... I wanted the real deal, through hubbies church they go to the sea and do the whole "john the baptist thing"... so a lot to look forward to!!