Some info about the interview:
Hubby was called in 2 hours late, the interview only lasted about 15 minutes then he waited another hour for the paperwork. What a day, wait a year but then the last few hours waiting to hear seemed like eternity!!! Thank you GOD this is finally OVER.
A big fat white guy does the interview and started of by saying "if you don't lie to me, we will get along fine". OMG. He was trying to say we didn't mention getting turned down for the travel visa BUT we did and he kept saying it. Seemed like he was trying to get a rise out of hubby. Also, he goes over some questions multiple times like, where he will work in Canada and asked the name of the company, randomly throughout. He asked dates of when we met, trips, marriage. He constantly changes dates/year so need to listen carefully. I think he tries to get you uneasy so you will mess up the answers but practice before and stay calm.
Good luck to everyone!!