Hi Everyone,
I have a feeling that I may be needing lots of advice from this page, as well as lots of support from all you lovely people, so thought I would make the introduction to my situation now in advance.
My boyfriend was here on an expired visa, without my knowledge. I’ve since learned that he was scared to tell me, because he was worried that I would think that he just wanted to be with me to find a way to stay here…

He was detained on Friday, and is currently being held by CBSA. I have not had the chance to speak to him, and it has been such a hellish nightmare roller-coaster of a couple days trying to track him down since Friday when he didn’t show up for our date … After almost 5 days of hardly knowing anything for certain, I was only JUST able to finally find out some solid information yesterday afternoon after I had already melted into a ball of tears in bed all morning.
He had a detention hearing on Tuesday, and will have another one this coming Tuesday. We are still waiting to hear when his admissibility hearing will be. Apparently they can even be scheduled out of the blue the day of. Family and friends all have little bits of information and we’re pooling it all together to make more sense of what happened. As it stands, we have all reason to believe that he will be deported… we don’t yet know what form of deportation it will be…
I’m trying to remain positive, no matter what the outcome, and plan on being there for him through the whole thing. I’ve also come to realize, just how much I care about him and love him through all of this. Still, some of those hopes of a future with him feel super threatened now… I can’t help but feel my heart hurt when I let myself think about it.
I saw myself marrying him and starting a family together… now I feel like in the span of one week, that dream has become a million times more difficult…
I know there are still many unanswered questions and variables, and so many possible outcomes… but I was hoping you all could feed me any sort of knowledge you have that you think could be helpful to our situation?
Thanks in advance.