Shorty, I read everything you write and I don't know about anyone else, but I feel sad knowing that your battle seems to be a little tougher than most.
I read at one point where you said that you're not surprised because everything seems to be harder for you. As much as I should probably take my own advice, and I know this already, we need to stop cursing ourselves and drawing this negative energy and spirits into our lives.
I want to believe that everything happens for a reason, and although it might be hard to understand why it works out the way it does, maybe, just maybe you and all of us are going thru certain things because that's the best way for it to be. Think positive and don't think that way about yourself, start thinking: I wonder why this is happening the way it is, maybe God is making me avoid something even worse.
I was reading about the 911 tragedy the other day. I'm not even sure if it's true what I was reading, but there was a list of people that didn't make it to work that morning and the reasons behind it. Things that really would upset us at the time, like kids not getting ready on time, missing the bus, or flat tire or even a broken shoe lace. I'm sure those people were cussing bad in that moment, but an hour later were thanking God they got delayed because their life was spared. You hear about these kinds of things all the time. I've even been in a situation where I was driving on the 401 and I was delayed by even just 15 minutes, and there in the middle of the road was a big multi-car accident that just happened....I don't know for sure if I would have been involved in it, but had I have left a little earlier like I was supposed to, maybe I wouldn't be writing this today. I know these kinds of things happen to us all, or we know someone.
Just hang tight, give hubby a nice, sweet kiss and just know you'll be kissing his "cold" lips very soon again.