How'd you do it LCW? I need the bestest way possible to get my partner to quit. He's tried so many times but it doesn't ever seem to work.... SHARE THAT SECRET gurllonelycanadianwifey said:MAWNING YALLL ......Yippppppe and ITS MONDAY PEEEPS gotta love MON_FRIDAY nuh tru!! When i wa going through the process i hated ...weekends ...cause mi kno seh dem nuh wul on weekends...
Peeps i hope we get news pan dis yah forum .....Anyways Peeps I have officially quit and kickked my habit of 14 years smoking ....YUP I HAVE WENT without a cig for 92 hours......WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hoooooo...So very hard but worth every struggle let me tell you ... I AM A WARRIOR to this addiction it will not defy me ....I am done!!!
You know what Charlie, this is actually true indeed. He's told me that the more I nag at him to quit the more he will be compelled to do it. However, I have noticed that when I don't say a word about the whole smoking thing, he can make a pack last for the entire week and he only does it at work and not when I am around. So ya, the nagging thing really doesn't work but I thought it was only with me. Guess it's all aroundCharlieD10 thing...don't nag about itMy hubby smokes cigars and sometimes cigarettes. The cigars I don't mind, but cigarettes drive my asthma mad. Since we started living together, I haven't said a word to him about it, except for one time he kissed me right after smoking cigarettes and I told him to go brush, LOL.
My not saying anything though, has actually worked for me, because he knows how I feel about cigarette smoking, and he has smoked less than a full pack since being here for the past 5 months! In time, I know he will give up the habit all on his own, and the only thing I needed to do was be patient and supportive.