Hi everybody! Brand new to this board! Glad to read so many posts with so much information! About a month ago I was going to join but then got distracted and thought I had lots of time to chat here. Little background on our sponsorship application for you......
We submitted our application on November 12, it took way more than the 42 days posted on line and I was finally approved on February 13. I started bawling at my desk that day, as most of you know this is a roller coaster ride and it has a huge sack of emotions tied to it! As you read on the website the wait time for processing the permanent resident piece in Kingston states 25 months. So of course I thought we had least one more year to wait.
Now immigration is very confusing at times as online it says one thing and then their actual practices seem to be another. So here is why I need some help from anyone that can provide us a bit of information to this process. Today my husband called March 30 and said the embassy called him and is requesting he mail them his passport. Of course he just said yes and didn't ask any questions!!! Love my man!!! Think he was in shock they were calling do soon! I can not read anywhere online that this is part of the process. I am excited but anxious as have no clue what happens next? There was no email, no you are approved, no questions about when do you want to come to Canada?
Has anyone had this happen before? Do you know what Immigrations next steps may possibly be? Online all I see is medical received but no updates as to this passport request. I am praying someone here can let me know what this means for us. As we all know if I try to contact immigration I may never get through to them! I am assuming they are getting closer to approval, however I am blown away that it is so soon!
If you have any advice or information to share it would be greatly appreciated!

Anxious wife of a dear Jamaican husband who loves to tell her "nuh worry, it's no problem"!!!!!!