Good morning Jam Fam! Hubby and I are at Sangster's airport in Mo Bay waiting for our flight to Montreal!!!! ;D 8)

8) ;D
We were meeting our Jam Fam friends Mr & Mrs THOR, Brown, and MelJam when they told me we could acces wifi at Margaritaville, after many attempts on DHL and ECAS during the week we try one last time in their presence and I thought I wasn't seeing right when I noticed that the air way bill was finaly showing departed Kingston Jamaica Thursday Oct 16th am. Jam Fam power my friends! Not only we had a good time, could share with one and other and live that special moment with them :-*
Our status on ECAS changed to decision made the next day Friday Oct 17th and we went to pick up the passport and brand new shiny visa the same day. Was so glad to have booked hubby's ticket!!
We need to board now, talk to you soon!!!