Mrs. Parkin said:
CDNandTrini! it's so good to hear from you! and to get your immigration scoop too. I'm one of the POS girls now, so it's nice to hear from someone who's been through their office! some of us vets witnessed this time last year when there was a boom of people getting through -- here's hoping that that will happen again for the rest of us 2013's...and soon!
I loved your follow up...I love that he's all " Winter? I got this..." that's so funny!
;D Hi Mrs. P. how are you my dear? Welcome to POS, how many of you were transferred? Does anyone actually know? How are you and Mr. P doing? You are correct about the boom of people that will start hearing things from now until Christmas and then again Jan. until March and I pray that all of the 2012 and 2013 folks are going to get good news. I have a good feeling as well as having studied the trends over the past years.
For all of you who were transferred, have a look at the POS spreadsheet. I used to do it but now our resident Dr. - Miss Dominica is back and she is taking it on again. For those of you who do not know, Miss D applied common law (before me) through POS and was refused. It was a big blow to our thread as she was one of our senior members and always helping others so when she got refused it was shared suffering for the rest of us as well. The good news is she is now happily married to her honey and they have just recently re-submitted their new application as a married couple so this time should be a fast slam dunk.
We also know that POS can move really fast as there were about 3-4 couples fr0m Guyana that were processed in like 3 months!! So we know they are capable and if Kingston gets some help with this action, they will hopefully move faster as well.
Glad you enjoyed my follow up re: hubby is all " Winter? I got this..." lol.......he is like that about almost everything now but he was humbled the other day by about 40 of his tomatoes getting brown and frostbitten. So now I have 3 gigantic dead tomato plants inside my house as he is convinced he will resurrect them with his special Trini love. I cannot convince him otherwise even with Googling!! He also still does not trust the dishwasher and every night I load it after he goes to sleep and every morning I wake up to hand washed dishes all over the counter that were carefully unloaded while I was still sleeping. Ain't love grand???

Keep me posted on your progress my dear. Blessings.