hey all..
miracle... good news, hopefully you can have it by the end of the week...
glo... hopefully you'll get some movement soon!!!!
extremelyhappy... awww great that you have her back with you... i lost my OHIP coverage once and can tell you that the OHIP coverage is 3 months from the date she arrives not from date she applies, so no worries... you're good... we don't plan on applying until the 3m wait is up...
"a) If you move to Ontario from another country :
The waiting period begins on the date you
establish or re-establish residence in Ontario. If you are an eligible temporary resident, such as a foreign worker or clergy member who meets the citizenship and residence requirements described in Ontario's Health Insurance Act, the waiting period begins on the date you establish residence in Ontario."
from here http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/public/pub/ohip/wait.html
hey canuck... thanks for the smile
TIAD... did they request the RPRF or did you send on your own? if they requested it, it's likely a good sign that you're coming to the end (you have to wait until they receive it 3-4 weeks i think, then until they decide to get off their butts, gosh knows how long that'll be but hopefully not long!

).. if you sent on your own accord, it's good to have it filed and done with so they don't have to request, but it won't speed things up any so it's hard to say when you'll get the call... we've had people thru in 4m and people who are still waiting after 21 months.. what's your timeline?
greetings to nae nae, sheraig, VM, missing (big day today and bigger one tomorrow!!!), LCW, rose, HF and everyone else i've missed..
we FINALLY have in our possession a vehicle... now we need to find hubby a job and a house (minor details)... so glad i have a few more months to straighten things out... we got a pontiac montana.. yes, it's a minivan, but a cute one, and it has all sorts of bells and whistles (dvd (i think this should be standard in minivans lol), auto start, power everything... we're happy and hubby will now finally get to meet TORONTO lol

) so off we should go... 2 hour drive to the big city...
have a good one all