Yes, the VO were very rude... they would whisper to each other in French.. and I was too overwhelmed after being there for hours to say anything (we were both interviewed). They did keep the passport after the interview was over, the notes have been ordered a few times since. The notes on the interview were not even very accurate, like they were writing them to their own opinion rather then the facts that were said, but what can I even really do about that? They never requested the medical again, but I knew they were going to expire so I decided to take the change and just have my husband re-do them. Just going to start the process to try and track those down now, since his file hasnt been updated with new medicals and he did the exam in Nov, just got the last set of notes a few days ago. Whatever, it will work out, just another thing to laugh at later

The interview was in June, my husband picked up his passport in Aug (without the visa

) so he could travel to the states and stay with some friends that live close to myself and our son so we could go see him there