A long list of personals today.....
First Maple...i am truly so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. You are an inspiration to many as your strength is more then anyone i have ever come across. Dont ever shrink to a lower level...keep doing what you have been doing and rise above, you are amazing...I am sure your grandmother is proud of the woman you are
Chelly....thanks for continuing with the licencing info... very helpful to us all
Nae-Nae.... lol @ using my letter as a group form, KG would freak, i want so badly to email them again yesterday and tell them i dont give a $$$$ if they respond or not, but they are gonna hear what i think and it has nothing to do with me being a lady that i didn't, it has everything to do with me not wanting them to have any other reason to hold up our file....but let me tell you, they just might get one big piece of mind when this process is threw.
Kimore....i am so sorry you were having a hard time and sick to boot, it seems we are all riding the same emotional roller coaster
Jammy....how goes the battle with Jillian?
Homesoon....welcome welcome welcome to your hubby, please let us all know how today went cause you know we are all thinking of you
Sheraig... thanks for thinking of me....today i took my anger out at the gym, i did a 1hr cardio blast, 1hr aqua fit, and a ten minute vibration exercise that does the same work as a 1hr excersice....so in total i beat my a$$ with 3hrs worth of exercise...im exhausted but got out the frustrations
Big up to all the rest of the family
Well the work day is done family, let us smile and pray for tomorrow....one day closer as we always say