LOL I am definitely not patient anymore. I am angry!

but truly I can't get mad at the people for getting thru before me but I can get mad at the system and that is what I am. ANyone I come across from here on out......i promise you I will tell them never to do this! It is freaking madness! There are millions of illegal immigrants in this country and my husband went the legal way and went home as he was supposed to and he is literally punished for it? I don't understand this messed up system. Some days you think it would have been easier if he had just stayed here illegally but then what type of life would you be living, always looking over your shoulder.
See I am not patient as I may seem......lately I have completely lost it, on my friends & family and everyone....I am glad i am super busy at work or I think i would be in the nuthouse by now! I don't wish this wait on anyone, not even my worst enemies!
Thank you for you kind words and i will be here until the end cheering everyone else on until it is my turn!