
sorry you got the same usual crap... hopefully it will coax them to look at the file tho rather than let it sit any longer... i'm crossing my fingers for you still.. it seems that even after getting a form email, others (not all, but some) have gotten results shortly after sending an email too... so i do hope you'll get more than just frustrations...
kimore... awwww hang in there... being sick is no fun and less fun alone... i broke down bad when i got sick days after i had our son and hubby was still in london... hope you feel better real soon!
we took care of business today (SIN - easy squeezy), drivers licence... so here's the deal here for those who've been asking about that... hubby took his licence and driving experience letter that he picked up in kingston and had to pay 85CAD... this got him the G1 (had to do vision and written test (which consists of 20 word questions and 20 sign questions... he failed the "word" one and had to re-write (pay 10CAD and do it right there again, no waiting)... i told him he owes me $10 since i wasn't paying for him slacking off and not reading the book

)), then he paid $75CAD on the spot to get his G2 exit test booked.. once he passes that (which he better, he's a good driver lol) he gets a full G licence (sucks that he gets a G1 for the time being but we got a road test for 2 weeks time... i know many of the bigger cities are booking well into summer and beyond, so if you feel to travel a bit and get a licence sooner, we only had to wait 2 weeks to get an appointment in Walkerton ON... had we been in the line one person sooner, we could have gotten a test tomorrow, but the person before us jumped on that)...
hope that helps some