much excitement on this Glorious Friday ;D
LWU...THIS IS IT....So happy to hear your news!! now, only days away and reunited yay!!
Dahlia...welcome :-* did your hubby submit a prepaid whey Bill? I think it depends on where you live if you are far from KG then they courier, but if you are near KG , they call and you pick up the PP...I may be wrong can anyone confirm this??
2 Landings today...woot, safe travels and a happy homecoming!
Jamgirl, love your pic, beautiful fams u got there ma...
LOL Best- do not disturb the bedroom-
Hubby enrolled in school, there are some great programs, for trades ,(electrician, plumbers, mechanical, welding) or ESL, We both got free memberships to the Y

and free buspasses (if needed) all kinds of things to get you started these government programs are great and free for newcomers to Canada!!
And if you plan on purchasing a new home there is a great incentive for new immigrants! wow !! it's great ;D
Amanada have a very romantic weekend - Never been to tha falls! One of these days ! Enjoy your "Alone Time"

Charlie you must be getting excited...


not much longer
it's gonna be a Great long weekend! ;D Everybody enjoy...Live -Love -Laugh....One Love