what is everyone's love story? I will start with mine, met him thru my cousin who was a regular visitor to JA. we began communicating in July 2012, it was just thru facebook messaging. I had no expectations. certainly that it would be anything more then chatting. even with that I did thru some trepidation, as I was not on board with this online stuff. but after being in a long term relationship, things had certainly changed since 1997.
we met for the first time in Nov 2012 this was four months later. I arrived in Mobay and in classic island time he was late. miscalculated his travel time. I was expecting him at the gate when I arrived, as we always talked of our first meet and dreaming of what it was going to be.
I waited outside the aiport it was early evening and already dark...I was sooo nervous and a little part of me wondered if he got cold feet. out of the darkness I saw a figure appear and as he advanced closer..he did so with caution, as he got closer and realized yes its her...his pace picked up and I went towards him, we embraced, looked in each other eyes. I thought he is short, which I knew he was at 5"6. but I was still hmm. Boy was I nervous. When we got to the car, this is where we shared our first passionate kiss. My toes curled and hairs stood up..I just inhaled his scent and touched his skin.
it was a quiet drive, I thought he was not happy with what I was. Siilly thoughts. Summing it up, we spent a beautiful week together. I have come to know my now husband - he is quiet man, and is not loud or boisterous by any means. He is a cancer too A TEE. he is perfect for me, personality wise. affectionate, caring, family oriented, raising his son with the help of the grandmas. Mom is in US, for many many years now. I am proud of him.
Since we married, in september 2013, 2 year anniversay coming up on the 21. I have visited him 4x. not as much as I would want. changed jobs in the fall 2013, I had to wait a whole year before I accumulated vacation days...and then there was the move. I work in the social field, low salary but gratifying work.
anyways another topic ..the trials and tribulations of an LDR.
I have my ups and downs, mostly ups nowadays. I know i get eye rolls when I say I am married and he is abroad oh where, Jamaica..and the look . So now I don't say much cause I know they think negative about being involved with a foreigner..hes with you for the papers..eyes rolling back. But I have my siblings and one parent support..so that is all that matters, I know. my dad is completely supportive and happy for me. My mom absolute opposite. She is on a need to know basis. Its not worth it. Ironic my dad who is white is supportive and mom who is native, is the racist.

But I have come to understand my mom and she is on a need to know. I just know that when she meets her son in law, she will love him. He was raised a good man. My mom in law is tops..I will share a story that I knew he was a good son! one day I went for a walk...to the shop and I was gone an hour or so. (Isn't it wonderful when you can walk on your own safe, love the town) I arrived to see my hubby clipping his mom's toe nails - be still my heart. Thats him when I get mosquito bites, every night he will be applying the "cream" to every dot on my body. :-* treats me like a queen. and I treat him the same.
thanks for reading and I certainly hope that I have found more support here as we anxiously bridge the distance to our loved ones
ugh I am trying to insert a picture