Wow Mrs Davis, that smell like PPR to me! Most probably they sent a letter requesting the landing fees you sent back in July, more likely the same here, sent a letter to request PPR but you know how snail mail take long to reach it's destination in JA. They will contact your husband for sure next week, he needs to keep is phone fully charged, volume high and answer ALL private numbers! Get yourself ready to check for flight soon and keep us posted you are almost there ;D I received a letter in July for landing fees.pd immediately. No in process. Just today I see. Received July 29 , 2013. In process Sept 23. Medical in. Decision made Had sweet husband check mail and the police cert is being asked for. Says to send it air mail to Jamaica which is odd because he's there ( never left ). But decision made threw me. Decision made without new police cert and passport stamp??? It's Kingston