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Twoheartsonelove said:
Wow thanks for the fast response JAMFAM!! I now truly feel like I belong here...LOL!!
LOL you know you are part of the JAMFAM when.......your stats are on the side!!!!!!!!!!!!! yahhh looks good.


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Sep 5, 2011
If your big question is "why don't you go back where you came from if this place is so bad?" My answer is " I will when I am ready". I am ready now just making solid plans so I don't have to crawl back when the going gets tough. Being mentally prepared is a must... Africa's my real home, Jamaica nurtured me with her breasts.


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March 22, 2014
frankfield said:
If your big question is "why don't you go back where you came from if this place is so bad?" My answer is " I will when I am ready". I am ready now just making solid plans so I don't have to crawl back when the going gets tough. Being mentally prepared is a must... Africa's my real home, Jamaica nurtured me with her breasts.
LMAO not that was not my question at all, I am not a racist or pro-canada activist and I wasn't saying "gwan back where ya come from!" as I don't think this country is bad (you make what i said sound mean :( )....like you pointed out both countries have pros and cons....i was actually and TRULY curious as to why you stay as you said you wish you had never left. An actual discussion was what I was looking for, not a fight....you should know me by now!

When you said about Africa....it reminded me of a song (buju I think) where he says "Africa me favor" but I can't for the life of me remember what song it is but that popped in my brain.

Mrs. Davis

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It's funny how the little steps excite us. After a year , hubby's son just now finished his medical. Sad, but so excited !! Lol


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Sep 5, 2011
chickie72 said:
@ Frankfield......wow you sure got your chat on today :) I have to say I agree and disagree with some of what you said but in the end, we will all die one day....the answer to the riddle is where do you want to be buried? That is where your home is because that is your eternal resting place! Click your heels three times Dorothy and repeat "there's no place like home, there's no place like home"

Question for you: if you wish that you never left then why do you not return? (do not take that the wrong way, it is just a question :) )
I beat you to it Chickie.. I knew this question was coming.. had it for 25 years so I answered before you asked.. I won't take it the wrong way so use to it.
I did return by the way, but wanted hubby to experience paradise for himself. Dig deep my friend, how could i know this question was coming.. why you are here, it always comes when someone say I miss home...Canada is not perfect ya didy ya didy yeh. I would rather be buried in the sun if this was not a rhetorical question.


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Sep 5, 2011
chickie72 said:
LMAO not that was not my question at all, I am not a racist or pro-canada activist and I wasn't saying "gwan back where ya come from!" as I don't think this country is bad (you make what i said sound mean :( )....like you pointed out both countries have pros and cons....i was actually and TRULY curious as to why you stay as you said you wish you had never left. An actual discussion was what I was looking for, not a fight....you should know me by now!

When you said about Africa....it reminded me of a song (buju I think) where he says "Africa me favor" but I can't for the life of me remember what song it is but that popped in my brain.
Chickie, I was typing the question before you posted your response.. as soon as I posted my epistle, I realize the question would be asked so I posted a second response in anticipation of this question.. no offence taken.. Check the time when I posted the second response, similiar time as you/yours just went through before mine. I laugh when I found your post cause I expected it, a question that is always asked cause folks take offence to the declaration of love for another country.


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March 4, 2014
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March 22, 2014
Mrs. Davis said:
It's funny how the little steps excite us. After a year , hubby's son just now finished his medical. Sad, but so excited !! Lol
lol everything excites us in the process no matter how big or small......Congrats on getting it finished finally!


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March 22, 2014
frankfield said:
Chickie, I was typing the question before you posted your response.. as soon as I posted my epistle, I realize the question would be asked so I posted a second response in anticipation of this question.. no offence taken.. Check the time when I posted the second response, similiar time as you/yours just went through before mine. I laugh when I found your post cause I expected it, a question that is always asked cause folks take offence to the declaration of love for another country.
lol sorry I thought your answer was in response to me but i see now.....you must get asked the question. By the way.....does your hubby like it here also or no?

PS: in psych class in college.....we did a report on the amount of children even though they had been abused (sometimes very very cruelly) by their parents.......their love for their parents was still there because "their are their parents!" ......it would basically be the same for your country.....where you are born is still your country no matter what, the love for that country is still there.

Mrs. Davis

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02 2013
chickie72 said:
lol everything excites us in the process no matter how big or small......Congrats on getting it finished finally!
. Yes, it's like one more piece of the puzzle is in place


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March 22, 2014
Mrs. Davis said:
. Yes, it's like one more piece of the puzzle is in place
yes slowly but surely they will all come together!


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2011
chickie72 said:
lol sorry I thought your answer was in response to me but i see now.....you must get asked the question. By the way.....does your hubby like it here also or no?

PS: in psych class in college.....we did a report on the amount of children even though they had been abused (sometimes very very cruelly) by their parents.......their love for their parents was still there because "their are their parents!" ......it would basically be the same for your country.....where you are born is still your country no matter what, the love for that country is still there.
I like where you are going "In other words despite the terrible experience/abuse from the place I am still going to love it.. You cant deny it that there is some negative feeling about Jamaica by many here... a right you hold for I too have negative feeling about Canada. It is this fundamental right to defend ones country I celebrate. i dont think you should agree with me cause this is the land of your birth... but I can only hope my truth, my honesty is respected. I don't think you take it as an attack, at least I hope. The people make the country... the place, the land cannot be bad right.. so my question is if folks secretly fear this place, look down upon it shouldnt one be afraid to bring these people here? it is the people who make the country.. right. Hard to separate one from the other. The best years of my life was spent there..not a lie, your attachment to Canada is the same as mine to there. But as the world is an open field and I am an explorer I rest here in this moment...complain until I say enough.

Sometimes I defend Canada when others compare it to US, it is an innate thing to do, though when I think about it, there is really little difference between the two places. Do you see how Africans.. leaving Ruwanda, Somalia and other such places, cleave to these war torn places.. and return even when they come here as Refugees.. Why is this so? The spirit of a person in locked into the place of their birth... You will never understand unless you examine your love and feelings for your own country. So all that I say must be seen as education, coming from an outsider... listen and learn. Until we see everyone who live here as someone who love his or her own country the world will continue to make enemies of those they host. In plain language, never assume the person from another place love you more than himself. This is why countries embrace folks from countries they destroy believing these guys are grateful.. only to later on find out it is not so. My husband has asked me many times why the hell did you bring me here? When he first got here he worked in a recycling plant..working in filth and his co-worker says he blends in with the environment so she could not see him.. wow, this is home.
But he works hard and plan his escape, always loved home, in 5 years of being apart has never asked me did you hear from immigration...pushed me to call my mp, terrorized me about the process. Every set back was taken with a grain of salt and when I asked him why he took things so cool he said I am at home why would I cry about being in another mans country.


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February 23, 2014
frankfield said:
I like where you are going "In other words despite the terrible experience/abuse from the the place I am still going to love it.. You cant deny it that there is some negative feeling about Jamaica by many here... a right you hold for I too have negative feeling about Canada. It is this fundamental right to defend ones country I celebrate. i dont think you should agree with me cause this is the land of your birth... but I can only hope my truth, my honesty is respected. I don't think you take it as an attack, at least I hope. The people make the country... the place, the land cannot be bad right.. so my question is if folks secretly fear this place, look down upon it shouldnt one be afraid to bring these people here? it is the people who make the country.. right. Hard to separate one from the other. The best years of my life was spent there..not a lie, your attachment to Canada is the same as mine to there. But as the world is an open field and I am an explorer I rest here in this moment...complain until I say enough.

Sometimes I defend Canada when others compare it to US, it is an innate thing to do, though when I think about it, there is really little difference between the two places. Do you see how Africans.. leaving Ruwanda, Somalia and other such places, cleave to these war torn places.. and return even when they come here as Refugees.. Why is this so? The spirit of a person in locked into the place of their birth... You will never understand unless you examine your love and feelings for your own country. So all that I say must be seen as education, coming from an outsider... listen and learn. Until we see everyone who live here as someone who love his or her own country the world will continue to make enemies of those they host. In plain language, never assume the person from another place love you more than himself. This is why countries embrace folks from countries they destroy believing these guys are grateful.. only to later on find out it is not so. My husband has asked me many times why the hell did you bring me here? When he first got here he worked in a recycling plant..working in filth and his co-worker says he blends in with the environment so she could not see him.. wow, this is home.
But he works hard and plan his escape, always loved home, in 5 years of being apart has never asked me did you hear from immigration...pushed me to call my mp, terrorized me about the process. Every set back was taken with a grain of salt and when I asked him why he took things so cool he said I am at home why would I cry about being in another mans country.
Honestly Frankie, sometimes I understand your point of view, and sometimes not. I am glad you bring up, and remind me that your opinions are yours and that we should be respectful of your opinions, as I hope you would be of mine. Your posts are always good for self reflection and a lesson on tolerance for me. It is always good to listen to others point of view without judgement. Glad you come by to post about these topics.


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We'll said. LDL. You found a tactful way to say exactly what I was thinking. Hope u and baby bump are well.


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Sep 5, 2011
longdistanceloves said:
Honestly Frankie, sometimes I understand your point of view, and sometimes not. I am glad you bring up, and remind me that your opinions are yours and that we should be respectful of your opinions, as I hope you would be of mine. Your posts are always good for self reflection and a lesson on tolerance for me. It is always good to listen to others point of view without judgement. Glad you come by to post about these topics.
Thanks... I wrote from my heart, shared my true feelings in hope that others will see how much you have to learn about others who reside with you. I skated outside this morning and stood in the middle of the street and cried.. I miss my home. This is not good for me anymore. I try to enlighten cause his/her story will come back to remind you of another person who knew the highs and lows of been here and still miss the little ole Jamaica. If I cant offer the world anything I will leave it with truth and honesty.. no hiding what is on the inside.. I owe it to myself and fellow human beings to speak the truth no matter what it cost me - no sugar coating, just plain, straight talk, never meant to hurt anyone though it sometimes does.


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February 23, 2014
mrsbrown said:
We'll said. LDL. You found a tactful way to say exactly what I was thinking. Hope u and baby bump are well.
Thanks, my baby and I are doing great. Hope you and baby are also well!!