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Champion Member
Aug 18, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
March 12, 2012
Doc's Request.
Police certificate re-do: Feb 25, 2013
AOR Received.
June 6, 2012
Med's Done....
January 9, 2012 Medical extension: Feb 25, 2013
Passport Req..
December 6, 2013
December 12, 2013
December 25, 2013
Kadi27 said:
Good Morning Jam Fam;

Hey my sweet Nev :-* Don't listen to Nini :p

I have been down to the wire at work as I leave for JA today ;D

Welcome THOR! ;)

All the best to everyone while I am away; praying all our 2012 family still waiting whether on pps or pprs get good news; and ofcourse it never hurts to drop in a 2013 too ;)

I will try to keep up while I am away; but no promises :p
I knew you were around, hun -- thanks for coming out of the woodworks to say hello! :-*

Have a safe trip to JA and say hi to her for me!


Champion Member
Aug 18, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
March 12, 2012
Doc's Request.
Police certificate re-do: Feb 25, 2013
AOR Received.
June 6, 2012
Med's Done....
January 9, 2012 Medical extension: Feb 25, 2013
Passport Req..
December 6, 2013
December 12, 2013
December 25, 2013
Flowers18 said:
Hey Everyone
Sounds like people had a great Christmas and News Years!! Beautiful landing story Nev so happy for u both!! Hope everyone is coping ok with the waiting game, I definitely been up and down the holidays pretty sad to be away from your spouse :(. I am February 2013 and I have not heard anything our medicals and police record are expired its really annoying to me that u possibly have to pay twice.
Hopefully you will not have to do the medical a 2nd time -- KG has been fairly good about extending them.

Hang in there everyone from 2013, they can't hold onto your applications FOREVER!!!!


Champion Member
Jan 20, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Good day everyone!!!

Regarding the Medicals...I ordered my notes and our meds have been extended already. They expire next week. They extended them till June 11 2014. I'm hoping that's a good sign

Kadi...safe travels Hun.


Champion Member
Aug 18, 2012
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
March 12, 2012
Doc's Request.
Police certificate re-do: Feb 25, 2013
AOR Received.
June 6, 2012
Med's Done....
January 9, 2012 Medical extension: Feb 25, 2013
Passport Req..
December 6, 2013
December 12, 2013
December 25, 2013
KG is going to be busting out the PPR's!!! It's going to be a domino affect -- just YOU wait and see!!!! :D


Mrs. Davis

Hero Member
Sep 9, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
29 05 2013
File Transfer...
05 07 2013
Med's Done....
02 2013
Sammy, that's good news about the medicals


Hero Member
Oct 20, 2013
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
January.23, 2013
AOR Received.
March.4, 2013 (KGN)
File Transfer...
February.18, 2013
Med's Request
Re-do Medical & PC ( April 7, 2014)
Passport Req..
May 14, 2014
June 13, 2014
16 months total
sammystorm19 said:
Good day everyone!!!

Regarding the Medicals...I ordered my notes and our meds have been extended already. They expire next week. They extended them till June 11 2014. I'm hoping that's a good sign

Kadi...safe travels Hun.
That seems like a good sign ;)... I haven't ordered mine as yet, I will order them around my 1 year mark ( if they don't respond to my e- mail) which is approaching


Hero Member
Feb 6, 2013
Visa Office......
Kingston, Jamaica
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
None Required
Passport Req..
Hi Everyone!

I have been up to my eyeballs with work since the office I work at is building a new office and then we are moving. We were supposed to move at the end of December but since the office wasn't ready we are now moving at the end of January. It has been one disaster after another so I haven't had much time to be active here.

I received a nice bonus since I have put in so much overtime. My company is paying for me to go to Jamaica! I booked a red eye to Toronto on Feb 6 and arrive in Jamaica on the 7th and will be returning Feb 15. Can't wait to see hubby as I haven't seen him since last June!

Hope all of you are doing well!!! Enjoy your weekend!!


Champion Member
Mar 31, 2013
Visa Office......
Port of Spain
App. Filed.......
Feb. 7, 2013
AOR Received.
Sept. 10, 2013 and "in process" Sept. 24, 2013
File Transfer...
March 28, 2013 (sponsor approval confirmed)
Med's Done....
Jan. 18, 2013
Passport Req..
Oct. 7, 2013 - Thank you Jesus!
Nov. 4, 2013 - Thank you Lord
Dec. 14, 2013 - Praise God. PR Card Feb. 14, 2014
greengurl said:
Hi Everyone!

I have been up to my eyeballs with work since the office I work at is building a new office and then we are moving. We were supposed to move at the end of December but since the office wasn't ready we are now moving at the end of January. It has been one disaster after another so I haven't had much time to be active here.

I received a nice bonus since I have put in so much overtime. My company is paying for me to go to Jamaica! I booked a red eye to Toronto on Feb 6 and arrive in Jamaica on the 7th and will be returning Feb 15. Can't wait to see hubby as I haven't seen him since last June!

Hope all of you are doing well!!! Enjoy your weekend!!
Congrats greengurl!!! That must be so exciting for you, all that hard work has paid off so now go relax and ENJOY!! Blessings.


Champion Member
Mar 31, 2013
Visa Office......
Port of Spain
App. Filed.......
Feb. 7, 2013
AOR Received.
Sept. 10, 2013 and "in process" Sept. 24, 2013
File Transfer...
March 28, 2013 (sponsor approval confirmed)
Med's Done....
Jan. 18, 2013
Passport Req..
Oct. 7, 2013 - Thank you Jesus!
Nov. 4, 2013 - Thank you Lord
Dec. 14, 2013 - Praise God. PR Card Feb. 14, 2014
Kadi27 said:
Good Morning Jam Fam;

Hey my sweet Nev :-* Don't listen to Nini :p

I have been down to the wire at work as I leave for JA today ;D

Welcome THOR! ;)

All the best to everyone while I am away; praying all our 2012 family still waiting whether on pps or pprs get good news; and ofcourse it never hurts to drop in a 2013 too ;)

I will try to keep up while I am away; but no promises :p
Kadi, so happy you will be reunited with big man and little man......awwww have fun my dear, you deserve it! Blessings and try to give us some "scoop" while you are there :p!!


VIP Member
Mar 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Kingston, JA
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
March 4, 2014
March 20, 2014
March 22, 2014
greengurl said:
Hi Everyone!

I have been up to my eyeballs with work since the office I work at is building a new office and then we are moving. We were supposed to move at the end of December but since the office wasn't ready we are now moving at the end of January. It has been one disaster after another so I haven't had much time to be active here.

I received a nice bonus since I have put in so much overtime. My company is paying for me to go to Jamaica! I booked a red eye to Toronto on Feb 6 and arrive in Jamaica on the 7th and will be returning Feb 15. Can't wait to see hubby as I haven't seen him since last June!

Hope all of you are doing well!!! Enjoy your weekend!!
Congrats on the flight! That is great news!


Champion Member
Nov 9, 2012
greengurl said:
Hi Everyone!

I have been up to my eyeballs with work since the office I work at is building a new office and then we are moving. We were supposed to move at the end of December but since the office wasn't ready we are now moving at the end of January. It has been one disaster after another so I haven't had much time to be active here.

I received a nice bonus since I have put in so much overtime. My company is paying for me to go to Jamaica! I booked a red eye to Toronto on Feb 6 and arrive in Jamaica on the 7th and will be returning Feb 15. Can't wait to see hubby as I haven't seen him since last June!

Hope all of you are doing well!!! Enjoy your weekend!!
Good luck with the move and have fun on your trip to Jamaica you so deserve it. May you soak up the sun and enjoy your time with hubby.


Hero Member
Sep 5, 2011
I would give up my good looks and charm to be here right now...


Hero Member
Sep 10, 2012
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
November 30, 2012
AOR Received.
December 11, 2012
File Transfer...
January 9, 2013
Med's Done....
November 13, 2012
Happy New Year everyone. I am just checking in as usual. I so much wanted to read Nev's landing story. Awesome. Tons of congrats. So very happy for you and hubby as I shared several months of your process. Thank God it's all behind you now and hubby is where he belongs. Just want to wish you all the best. It was truly an emotional read as I know how hard it must be for his family but hey that's what marriage is about. Surely he will keep in touch and visit from time to time. No doubt he has already started to embrace a totally new life, not to mention weather!!! Whew!! What a winter it has been! Anyway congrats to Kadi and anyone else who has had good news. I also wish those who have been waiting for a long time such as Chickie to know that this is their moment. Expect God's goodness to manifest any minute now. I can feel a celebration coming on very soon. You all deserve it but just know this is a necessary process and throughout it all, no matter the experience, there are lessons that will always be useful. Just hang in there. Like everyone else, your day will come. The enemy wants you to be frustrated but know that God is more powerful and you will all receive the good news you all so deserved. Very best wishes to you all and continue to be blessed.
Nevaeha said:
Good morning Jam Fam! :D

As promised, here is our landing story:

Mr. Nev picked his passport up at the High Commission on Dec 12 and we were beyond elated to say the least! One would think he would have been on the first flight out on Dec 13; however, he had to tie up loose ends and I had to get to JA to bring him home. I had to travel to TO for business and wasn't returning to the prairies until Dec 20 so we decided that we would land in Canada on Christmas day!!!!

While I was in TO I was freaking out because I didn't know if my flight was going to depart because it was the beginning of the crazy storm of 2013!!!! I think I went to the airport five hours early. Thankfully the flight left on time and I was back in Winnipeg to get ready for my flight to JA the next day. Could there be anymore stress added to this process?!?!?!?

Hubby was at the airport to meet me when I arrived in JA. He ran over to me as soon as he saw me and we just held each other and said we would never be greeting each other this way again because we will now be travelling together.

The three full days we spent in JA went by quickly. On Dec 24, hubby's parents hosted a bbq and his dad 'prepared' goat. Ummmm...I never had any because I heard the poor goat...enough said. Friends, family, and neighbours stopped by to wish hubby well -- it was a very emotional day. Hubby's dad told Mr. Nev he was going to miss him -- poor Mr. Nev broke down because his dad is the strong silent type and has never said anything remotely emotional to him before. His dad still jokes around to this day about hubby crying on our wedding day. It hugged my heart that this exchange happened between father and son.

The BIG day finally arrived and hubby was super excited to go to the airport and get on the plane. A couple of his closest friends dropped by to say their final 'until we meet again'. We were all sitting in the kitchen and Mr. Nev's dad gave us some solid advice on marriage and how to treat each other; it was very touching to see the sensitive side of my father-in-law. We said good-bye to Mr. Nev's mom -- I knew she was having a hard time knowing her baby was leaving but she held it together and remained the strong woman that she is. Mr. Nev's dad and friend walked us to the taxi to see us off.

When we got to the airport our flight was delayed so there was plenty of time for hubby to check things out and get something to eat. I loved seeing hubby's HUGE smile and excitement in his big beautiful brown eyes. The funniest thing was watching hubby get on the escalator for the first time and me trying to take a picture of it!

To top off our magical day we received an upgrade with the airline! We had seats at the front of the plane with free food and alcoholic beverages! Thank you West Jet!!!! Hubby loved flying and said everything was great except for the annoying girl sitting next to him!!! Yes, he was referring to me!!!! :D I was just making sure he was comfortable and happy!!!! Funny guy!

We departed the plane and were the first people at Customs. We told the CBSA officer that Mr. Nev was doing his landing and he instructed him to go speak with the Immigration Officer after he got his luggage. They wouldn't let me go with hubby (remember this is Wpg not TO) so I waited nervously/anxiously in the airport for him. His 'interview' lasted about ten minutes but it felt like ten hours to me. I was so relieved to finally see him walk through the doors. I gave him a huge hug and welcomed him to Canada. He put on his winter jacket and we headed outside to a balmy -17 degrees -- a VERY nice day for Winnipeg in December! My mom was waiting for me and as I was putting my luggage into the car, Mr. Nev walked around to the driver's side and surprised my mom!!!! She was SOOOOOO excited and in shock -- she couldn't believe he was in Canada or that we kept it a secret!!!!! She kept taking wrong turns and it took longer than usual to get home!!! So cute!!!!

She dropped us off at our home and hubby went running through the snow like a kid on Christmas day!!!!! ;D

December 25, 2013 will always be our best Christmas EVER!!!!

And there you have it folks - the landing story of Mr & Mrs Nev!!!

It is all truly surreal and I keep asking hubby to pinch me to make sure that it's real. I love that I'm sitting here typing this story and I look over and see my handsome hubby sitting on the couch eating cereal. I love this man and as hard as this process was I would do it all over again to have him here with me.

...and they lived happily ever after. The End. ;)

Thank you for all of the love, support, friendship, and tears we have shared over the last year and a bit, Jam Fam! I could not have gotten through this process without the forum and each and every single one of you. A special shout out to Chickie, DG, and Sammy -- thank you ladies for being you -- you have been with me through my entire journey. I promise you that I will be just as genuinely happy for you as you were for me when your times come!!! :-*

And trust me, I never believed it when I read it on the forum a million times so I understand if you don't either, once your spouse receives their passport, visa, and lands in Canada -- this CrAzY process truly will be a distant memory.

For anyone who wants to link up through fb and keep in touch, please pm me your name so I can add you.

Side notes:

* KG gave hubby our entire application back to him (he wanted to burn it at the bbq but I wasn't ready to let it go...yet)

* These are the questions the CBSA officer asked Mr. Nev when he landed in Canada:

- how long have you and your wife been together
- how did you and your wife meet
- how much money do you have in your possession
- who is sponsoring you
- what are you going to do for a living
- where is your accent (seriously)

He stamped hubby's passport, crossed out his visa, and gave him a copy of his stamped Confirmation of Permanent Residence Form (KG will send you 2 COPR's when they return your passport and visa (one will/should have a picture on it).

We had sent KG an address change close to a year ago and they never updated their records so our old address was on the COPR. Hubby tried to get KG to change it when he picked it up but they said it could be done in Canada when he landed. ::) It wasn't a problem on this end and the CBSA officer updated it on the computer.

We had also completed a B4 form (located on the CIC website) which itemizes personal effects you will be bringing into Canada from JA so you don't have to pay duty. There is also a B4A form that should be completed if any items are being shipped to Canada. The cashier took the list, stamped it, and gave hubby a copy. I don't think a lot of people do this but I'm letting you know so you can be prepared should they ask for the form(s).

If anyone has any questions, please pm me, I will always be happy to help you in any way I can. xo


Mrs. Parkin

Hero Member
Nov 13, 2013
Visa Office......
KGN then POS
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
October 1, 2013
Doc's Request.
October 30, 2014
AOR Received.
December 9, 2013
File Transfer...
October 17, 2013
Med's Request
Med's Done....
September 3, 2013
Passport Req..
October 30, 2014
November 26, 2014
Dec 1, 2014
Good Morning everyone!

Welcome THOR...You do realize this is what you will be going forward right?? That was hilairous.


Hero Member
Jan 4, 2014
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
new PC sent Aug 22/14
AOR Received.
Nov 12, 2013
File Transfer...
Nov 25, 2013
Med's Done....
Oct 09, 2013
not required
Passport Req..
Dec 03, 2014
Jan 14, 2015
Jan 17, 2015!!! FINALLY
Mrs. Parkin said:
Good Morning everyone!

Welcome THOR...You do realize this is what you will be going forward right?? That was hilairous.
Good morning Mrs. Parkin and the rest of the JAMFAM!! No problem I do not mind being called THOR...hmmm...hot blonde God with abs of steel and a HUGE hammer :p not so bad. Only problem is that I am not blonde or a God :( but if I was (a God) I would have all our husbands and wives with us lickety split!!

Well happy Monday all and I am hoping to hear some good and happy news from some in our little family this week!!