Need to be with Hubby said:
My husband brother is a tax specialist in Manitoba and his brother told him that he could not find a form or information related to filing for tax exemption for non residence spouse. I told my husband about what you did and he wanted me to ask you, if you filed with a tax company? if so which one? and what form did you use and where you got it? and if you got benefits yet. He got his tax returns last month. But he wanted to file again as an error. Thank you
Hi Needtobe with hubby!
I filed my income taxes with H&R Block, I got a small tax refund like in the 200$ range but it sure as heck beats paying

When I went in I was super unsure if I should be claiming my husband since he's not here but the lady said yes as long as we're married than I can claim him. I asked her the same question I think 50 times in different ways, and finally I asked her straight out "have you filed for anyone else in my position before?" She said that she had a few times. I'm in a small city in New Brunswick so I had to ask. She said that CRA would most likely do an inquiry over the summer. I provided her with Western union statements proving that I'm supporting my spouse. She made copies and said that should there be an inquiry that H&R Block would be able to deal with it by sending them the proof of support and that they wouldn't need to bother me if it happened.
As for my GST benefits based on 2011's income, I got a letter from CRA on April 5 saying that I am being reassessed because my marital status changed. They asked me to send in my husband's 2011 "world income". For this I took the the total amount that he made in 2011 from his last pay check of 2011 and I converted that amount into Canadian dollars.
I called the tax office to see if he needed to sign the letter and they said no because he wasn't here yet. They said I just needed to indicate that he doesn't yet have a SIN since he's not yet arrived in Canada. I also had to tell them the date I was married. As proof I sent in a copy of my marriage certificate and also copies of western union transfers that I had sent him. They didn't ask for the proof but I'd rather send it and be safe than to have to send it later.
I don't think that they used any special form, I
think she just filed him as my spouse. I do know that under his address they indicated Jamaica and that when it came to the place to enter his social insurance number she entered all 9's . ( 999-999-999). I think if you gave them a call they would help you out
Hope that helps