Dear Client,
This is an update on the processing of Federal Skilled Worker applications submitted after the new CAP was announced on July 1, 2011. Out of the list of 29 open occupations, one (1) has reached the CAP of 500 and another is almost there, as follows:
1122 – Professional Occupations Business Services to Management – CAP reached on August 22, 2011
3152 – Registered Nurses – CAP almost reached. Stands at 473 on September 13, 2011
What does this mean?
Well, this date is very misleading as it only shows when the office in Canada registered or opened new applications and that the number they opened reached 500. The Program Manager of this Central Intake Processing Office located in Nova Scotia, Canada, Mr. Randy Orr, at a recent seminar for consultants held in Toronto, confirmed that they had received 34,000 applications so far in all categories. Given the small number of applicants shown in other categories, we can assume that most of this number was for the occupation listed above and others that are almost at 500 or high up in number.
The PM also confirmed that over half had already been sent back by regular mail after a delay of 2 or more months for review or are in the process of being sent back due to the CAP being reached or for the reason of a small issue such as not checking a box or not providing the correct document as per their requirement, which for the most part given their new checklists which are very ambiguous, is not at all difficult to do. These are all tools to refuse applications and keep numbers down, which have been built into the system.
To say the least, Canada’s current way of processing applications and treating applicants has much to be desired. However, given the demand for entry into Canada, they can afford to adopt such an attitude and business model. The only remedy is to challenge them in Federal Court, which for most is not really an option given the cost, time and no guarantee of positive outcome.
While this is not reassuring to our clients or provides any sort of clarification we will advise you individually once we have any update on your application.
While the issues discussed, would generally apply only to occupations with high CAP numbers, we are hopeful that the ones showing lower numbers will not be effected and files will be accepted.
While I can understand your frustration at not knowing the outcome or where things stand, I am only able to provide information that is available. For all of us, we are in unchartered waters so to speak and are learning as we go. We will do our best to give you the best possible options to move forward and work diligently to achieve your goals.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email.
Thank you.
Yours very truly,