I.N., thank u honey, I KNOW!!! u really r a champion in waiting the first stage approval...no i don't really despair LOL i know it can b worse....especially with our circumstances, i'm actually ok

and when better times will come (with emails and nice good news) they will come, we cannot force them to come sooner

ur sister is soo right and i hope u take advantage to spend plenty of time with her and the the rest of ur family there, cuz ur days outside Canada r counted

....and thank u for ur previous messages too, always keep my moral high, i wanted to reply in a PM but didn't have the chance yet :

actually, in my dream the March 25 was just the date when the page was updated (instead of what's now March 19) for sure not the date they work on...LOL
Amoss, meeeeeee too i miss it, hang in there, Buffalo can sometimes surprise u, u'll get AOR from them too soon
ashunandal, yeah unfortunately, that's the track immigration takes....soon, if people don't react in any way, there will b no more immigration

and yeah they do have a quota each year....thanks for the articles
good luck everyone, wish for a much greener table until the end of the week