Hi and guess what??
I applied for PR and OWP in July 23 2016(family class sponsorship)..I got OWP in NOV 19 and aknowledgement of receipt (AOR) in 18 MARCH 2016
They have been sending me contradicting mails and recanting telling me to ignore saying that its an error.

I got an email from cic instructing me to fill ADDITIONAL DEPENDENTS/DECLARATION(IMM0008) ,MEDICALS,ORIGINAL POLICE CERTIFICATE FROM MY COUNTRY(Which i sent a copy) they want original.,IMM 5406 (Additional family information ) and IMM5669 BACKGROUND DECLARATION.
I filled all these forms when was i sending in my application package,i did medical upfront in from a Dr. who is a panel physician...
I got so annoyed that i called my M.P to discuss whats the way forward before i could start to fill any form..She will respond on Monday cause they were closing the offices at 4pm...I wonder what these people do with applications sent to them..They are making these process so complex for nothing.
My friend cousin who was sponsored in the U.S has everything now.. Pple in the same time line pls share...THANKS