screech339 said:
Yes midwife services are free BUT you have to book a midwife as soon as you know you are pregnant. They get booked up rather quickly and in limited spaces.
Yes, most people who wants midwives call to be put on the wait list as soon as they get a positive test!
And even then a lot of people don't get a spot, especially in the GTA where there are very limited numbers of midwifery practices. I had a midwife for the duration of the pregnancy and delivery but it's worth noting that if ANY intervention at all is required you have to pay an OB out of pocket. In my case it was a forceps assisted delivery so I had to pay $998 for the OB's services.
Monkeyfish said:
alicia, congratulations on your baby! What province are you in? Do you mind me asking how long you were in the hospital? In order to try to cut expenses for my birth, I'm going to refuse the epidural and try to only be in the hospital one day. Hopefully nothing goes wrong!
I'm in Ontario. Is this your first baby? I also hoped to do without the epidural but when I did decide to get it(contractions were unbearable!), it was without a doubt worth every penny!
You will only need to stay more than one night if you don't have a vaginal birth, C-section is two nights.
Do all you can to get things going yourself!
Bounce on a yoga ball, pineapple, raspberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil, spicy foods and stay as active as possible.
That's what worked for me ;D