I've been thinking lately, and it will be interesting to see how quickly they really get all of these OWP out to all those waiting. It will also be interesting to see how the new pilot program affects the processing times in general and the second stage of processing.
only time will tell I guess... but it sure will be interesting, as CPC-M's last DM was given July 26th and that was given with the persons AIP. There were several others that weren't so fortunate to receive DM with AIP (May, June and July 2013 applicants) and I know several have been waiting way past this 8 month timeline, with no explanation as to what the holdup is.
I'm happy they have implemented the new pilot program, as it will highly benefit families if done properly. However, if not done properly, I fear it will hold back other stages of processing and possibly prolong the entire process as the thinking may become .."oh well they can work now so no rush for DM." Little do the recognize that no DM also hinders opportunity for mortgage loans, permanent job positions, and leaving the country. So I cerntainly hope they understand that issuing OWP to everyone upon AOR will not fix the overall problem if the timeline continues to climb. As we know...CIC promised 2014 to bring shorter processing times... :

it did the exact opposite.
Thoughts anyone?
I agree with you and I am really worried about processing times as well. We applied in Feb 2014 and I feel like there is no possible end in sight. I am so frustrated by the lack of processing and the lack of transparency!! I really just don't get how why all the fricking secrecy.