I also had an idea, and I would appreciate some feedback, from anyone....(also from Ponga

Some of you are aware with our potential issue due to my husband's previous record in the US...
I am thinking to write our MP to bring up the processing time delays, but also I would like to explain to him our situation, and see if he will write/send a letter of reference asking them to show consideration and lenience. April 2015 would be the 10 years since the issue is completed. And what my husband did is nothing that would endanger the public. It would be a real hardship on us if my husband was refused on a technicality like that, when we are clearly a genuine family. And if he was refused, not only would he have to leave Canada, but so would my son and I, who are both born here.
I figure better to be a step ahead, than to get a refusal and then try to take steps to get it overturned (which would be near impossible for Inland).
I have had no contact with this current MP. Our old MP before we moved (before we started this process) was a help to us before, and he wrote a letter for my husband's Visitor Visa.
Do you think a letter like this, if he would agree to write it, would help in any way? Would it hold any weight?