How about more pictures taken during the time your app was in process? Movie tickets? Any bills with his name (gov mail for ex, if all the bills are under your name. Joint banking if you have one? The tax return showing him as your husband. Any trips you might have had during the time it was in process (i.e hotel bookings). Life insurances with each other as beneficiaries if applicable. If one of you is listed on the others work health benefits, proof of that. Text messages sent to each other during this time or Phone calls to each other.
How about more pictures taken during the time your app was in process? Movie tickets? Any bills with his name (gov mail for ex, if all the bills are under your name. Joint banking if you have one? The tax return showing him as your husband. Any trips you might have had during the time it was in process (i.e hotel bookings). Life insurances with each other as beneficiaries if applicable. If one of you is listed on the others work health benefits, proof of that. Text messages sent to each other during this time or Phone calls to each other.
ruppcs said:Hubby got an email asking for proof of our relationship. I'm not sure what to send. Everything is in my name and we sent all our pics and letters from friends and family.